Safeguarding and Welfare

Safeguarding and Welfare

G4 Academy takes safeguarding extremely seriously. The ongoing work to make the game as safe and enjoyable as possible is led by the FA, the game’s governing body in this country. 

A clear safeguarding strategy has been put in place by English football to protect people involved in the national game. It is complete with policies, procedures and regulations. Every club in the country must adhere to the policies which apply to them. If not, they face sanctions, including suspension from playing.

Within this section of our website, you’ll find all the necessary information and policies on our safeguarding and welfare practices.

Children have the right:

  • ​To feel safe both online and offline;
  • To healthy relationships and appropriate boundaries;
  • Not to be bullied, harassed or intimidated;
  • Not to feel uncomfortable or unsafe;
  • Not to be discriminated against because of your age, gender, gender reassignment, ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status or civil partnership, faith, ability or disability, pregnancy and maternity.

We are asking you to:

  • Ensure you know who your child’s coach/manager is, how they will communicate with you, how you can contact them and how to get feedback on your child – ask if they are FA DBS checked and safeguarding trained
  • Put the CWO name and contact details in your phone/notebook – ensure you and your child understand their role
  • Be clear about acceptable and unacceptable behaviour at your child’s club – sign up and adhere to their codes of conduct
  • Ask your child what they enjoy about playing – and remember this when supporting them!
  • Agree with your child how you will support/check-in to see how they are doing
  • Ensure your child understands their rights – find out more
  • Ensure you and your child know how to report a concern – find out more
  • Encourage your child to speak to you about anything that worries them, no matter how big or small

What you can expect and how to play your part in safeguarding your child.

Everyone involved in football has a part to play to ensure children can play in a safe and enjoyable environment. County FA’s, club committees, designated safeguarding officers, coaches, medics, referees and parents/carers – all are key to ensuring football has effective safeguards in place.

We encourage all parents, players who have any safeguarding/welfare concerns to contact us as we promise to treat all safeguarding and welfare as a priority.


Please contact us using the email address below and we will reply as soon as possible.